Loss and Love
Since I eagerly and enthusiastically write about the animals coming to join us at Cheyne Ranch, does this mean I also write an update when animals leave Cheyne Ranch? One through needing a new home and one through reaching life's final chapter, I’m thinking about 2 animals who left Cheyne Ranch this week. While processing the sadness, I’m also full of appreciation for the community of animal experts and friends that surround us, who are willing to be kind, supportive and helpful especially when we need it the most.
First: Scarlett
Oh this beautiful horse that I loved so immediately. I fell hard and fast for this horse - because she is so pretty, because she is a little fiesty and because she is picky about who her human is. Scarlett’s personality reminds me of a younger version of Lujen who has all those same traits. However, what she doesn’t have is Lujen’s old-man teddy bear personality who accepts everyone’s love and affection, because that is his main job, to accept the adoration of our guests. My friend and horse trainer, Chezzy, took Scarlett for the past couple weeks to provide his own evaluation and some training. The verdict: Scarlett is super beautiful, what a wonderful horse! But, she is just a little too young (she is 12, Lujen is almost 22), and a little too feisty for her job to be so chill everyday. She will be much happier (and much more useful) in a barn where she can be utilized in a more active way. Robin Cyr (Scarlett’s owner) is super gracious and is finding her a perfect home soon.
Second: Frankie
When we moved to our property in the summer 2016, a Florida gopher tortoise was living in our front yard, they claimed squatter’s rights, and remained here the past 4.5 years to the delight of my family and many of our guests. We named her Francesca, Frankie for short and I think the horses liked her too. Frankie hasn’t been moving too much lately, and I messaged my friend and neighbor, Ariel, to come over. (Side note: Ariel wrote her master’s thesis on gopher tortoise respiratory infections!) Sadly, Ariel took one look and knew Frankie was already gone. As a wildlife specialist, she collected Frankie and (thankfully) took her to a professional who is going to keep Frankie's shell for educational purposes. I miss you already Frankie.
Frankie bit the dust.
More scarlett
She is lovely! Half arabian, half trakehner, born on May 26, 2008. Welcome to the herd Scarlett!
Welcome Scarlett
I woke up this morning like a kid on Christmas morning! I have been so excited to welcome this lovely mare to Cheyne Ranch! Scarlett is such a beautiful warmblood / arab cross. She has been a mama for 2 babies the last 3 years, and we are going to slowly (slowly) see if she wants to join our horse lovin' nature therapy program here at Cheyne Ranch. Thank you to Robin Cyr @cyrpointstable for allowing us the chance to love on Scarlett. Thank you to Lauren @pitchforkprincess for transporting her for us <3 <3
Scarlett arrived at Cheyne Ranch on October 22, 2020 from Cyr Point Stables. She is a registered Arabian / Trakehner cross and has a famous grandfather named Bask. Her coloring is called dappled grey. From 2016 - 2020, she has delivered and raised 2 babies. Scarlett was born on May 26, 2008 in Wellborn, FL.