Hello Homeschoolers! We are so excited you are coming to Cheyne Ranch!!

Online Registration:

Please scroll to the bottom of this page to register and pay for your child’s November 20th experience!


We are going to visit, see, touch, and learn about our:

  • CHICKENS! and discuss what they eat, how they sleep and where are their eggs?

  • PIG! Blueberry is our “mini” pig!

  • GOATS! Our goats are triplets! Coffee, Cream & Sugar

  • BUNNIES! Our bunny zen room is the best hangout around

  • MINIS! PONIES! HORSES! We will meet, brush tack up, walk and ride some of our 10 equine friends!

  • PLAYGROUND / PICNIC area: Play at our playground! and eat at our picnic tables

**Each guest (age 2 - 21 and under 180 pounds) has the option of riding a horse or pony for a hand guided walk.

2 important web links:

  • Online form to sign with expectations, waiver, photo release:

  • Address & Directions to Cheyne Ranch:

Below is the registration for a field trip scheduled for a private group. Are you interested in learning more about programs or classes at Cheyne Ranch? Please start here:

Are you interested in learning more about organizing a field trip for your group? More information on how to get started here:

MORE INFO: Please call me to discuss options. Groups usually are between 8 - 15 children ages 2+. The time we spend with your group is flexible and can be customized based on the needs of your group! Older, younger and children with special needs are welcome, let's talk about your time at Cheyne Ranch! Call: (407) 680-3348

FORMS: All visitors must complete the waiver, as well as agreements to expectations and safety prior to your visit. Waiver located here

Playground & picnic area