Cheyne Ranch serves a lot of different families from all backgrounds, spiritual and political preferences. We are committed to our mission of welcoming ALL kind people and we strive to be neutral & moderate in our appearance.

Traditionally, horse riders wear fitted long sleeve shirts and fitted long pants that still allows free movement. While we are not required to wear traditional horse rider clothing, safety is our number one priority and how you dress impacts your safety as well as others around you.

 WATER BOTTLE! Yes, this is part of your dress code.  You MUST show up with a refillable water bottle, or ask me to borrow one prior to your shift starting.

Gatorade powder is available and encouraged if that helps you stay hydrated.

BOOTS! Yes, please invest in boots. Or ask me and we may have sponsors who will purchase boots for you. For most of you, a hiking type boot is best.

    • My favorite brand is Ariat. There is also Justin, Carhartt, Timberland, Rockrooster, Twisted X, Muck boots. 

    • Please no steel toed boots

    • I don’t recommend rain boots

    • Boots can be purchased locally at Tractor Supply or online at Amazon.com, etc

    • Wear DRY socks and DRY boots only. Do not walk around in soaking wet socks or boots please.


Please wear a Cheyne Ranch shirt when you can

  • If you don’t have one available, ask me

  • Other t-shirts are fine as long as there aren't offensive / questionable images or language. 

  • For safety reasons, shirts need to be fitted (not loose) to avoid getting caught on a saddle, door latch, tree branch, etc.

  • Tank tops are fine as long as they are somewhat fitted (no excessively loose tops)

  • You do not have to tuck in your shirts - but the shirts MUST be somewhat fitted and long enough to be tucked in

<——- An example of what NOT to wear - this shirt is cut too loosely, this person’s shirt got caught on a door latch while reaching to grab an escaping horse. It created a safety issue that is easily prevented.


Jeans, work pants or shorts

Shorts are absolutely ok, so are leggings.

Please no sweat pants or loose fitting pants (no pajama pants)

To protect our saddles: You may not get on a horse if your pants have any bling or buttons on the back of your pants.

I wear jeans or long work pants everyday because I like being able to walk through any kind of trail / brush and not worry about scratching my legs.

A few more notes:

  • Please consider packing a swimsuit, towel and extra change of clothes each day

  • When I was in the Air Force, if you were too sunburned to work you were not given sympathy - you were actually written up and fined! The reason behind that is because being sunburned prevents someone from working, strains the rest of the team, and it is easily prevented! Wear sunscreen or protect yourself from the sun both at work and when not at work.

  • I can hardly work outside without sunglasses and a sun visor / hat providing shade to my face and eyes. These are optional, but encouraged.

  • Ask me any questions, I am happy to explain the reasoning behind any of our dress code rules