Advocacy & News 13

Here is a link to the interview that aired on October 19 on News13

News13 recently came to Cheyne Ranch to film a story on my friend Barbara Beasley, a mom and a tireless advocate for special needs education in Florida. They filmed for 3!! hours and created a 3 minute story about a few important points regarding the Family Empowerment Scholarship. I wish we could share the entire 3 hour conversation - there are so many ways this special needs education legislation is a long answered effort.

However, carrying out the vision and purpose of this legislation doesn't happen just because a law was passed - there is still so much work to do. Barbara (along with other moms who are BIG advocates) spend so much of their personal time helping other families navigate this messy maze. They keep researching the issues, writing the letters, keep speaking up, finding the contacts, making the appointments, explaining the issues AND discussing and proposing solutions. And they don't stop. They keep communicating and keep educating - it is just so inspiring.

We keep advocating for ALL Florida families because our future looks so much brighter when our children receive the best education possible.

Here is a link to the interview that aired on October 19 on News13


Advocacy - Representative Spencer Roach

